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How does math get used in the "real world?" The short answer is that it is used to create hip-hop music, in fashion design, and through a number of other endeavors. This interactive website combines video and web interactive to help young people develop algebraic thinking skills for solving real-world problems. The series is funded by The Moody's Foundation, along with assistance from WNET and American Public Television. The sections of the site include The Challenges, Video, and Teachers. In The Challenges area, users will find video segments profiling the various young professionals who use math in their work, along with interactive tools to help students solve the challenges they are presented with. Moving on, the Teachers area includes resources for teachers, such as a training video showing how to use project materials in the classroom, along with student handouts. Visitors shouldn't miss the Basketball challenge, featuring NBA player Elton Brand talking about the problems presented by free throw shooting.[--SAMPLE RECORD--]
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Source The Scout Report: Volume 20, Number 32 (August 22, 2014)
Rights THIRTEEN Productions LLC
Date Of Record Creation 2015-04-10 09:05:07
Date Of Record Release 2015-04-10 09:13:43
Date Last Modified 2015-04-14 16:18:53

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