International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications


Title: An Exploration of Teacher Trainees' Perceptions of the Factors that Affect their Flipped Learning Experience in a non-Western Context

Dr Asegul Hulus


This study examined a case study from a private university in Northern Cyprus to provide a non-Western perspective on a Western-style educational system. It focuses on teacher trainees' perspectives on the factors that influence students' flipped learning experiences.

This research was carried out using exploratory sequential mixed methods. Through a combination of descriptive statistics on qualitative data and thematic analysis on quantitative data, the data revealed a total of twelve themes. Six of the twelve themes were dominant, according to the combined results. The dominant themes were, first, teacher trainees' learning preferences and second learning personalities. Third and fourth, the Community of Inquiry, as well as the knowledge and experience of teachers who teach teacher trainees in flipped learning. Fifth, the GAU's teacher training programmes now incorporate the 'Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)' policy. Finally, there are issues with accessibility in Northern Cyprus.

The study contributes to knowledge by identifying the variables of factors that affect teacher trainees within flipped learning through their perceptions based on the six dominant themes that emerged. Furthermore, to aid the stated factor of learning preferences and its effect on teacher trainees' flipped learning experience, this study has created a theoretical framework titled the 'Learning Preference Barque'.

Finally, this study has suggested research implications by, first, discussing the Learning Preference Barque in the use of the advocation of learning preferences on how teacher trainees adapt or "handpick" their preferences through their perceptions. Second, based on the discussion of providing teachers who lecture teacher trainees, training courses on how to provide feedback to teacher trainees using flipped learning.

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