International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Possible Solutions for the Drawbacks of Data Center Security Mechanisms
      V.S.P Vidanapathirana, M.S.T.J Nanayakkara, A.M.S.D Attanayake, V.Abenayan, Pubudu Dhanushka, Dhishan Dhammearatchi
Abstract: As the place that stores the brain in an organization, a Data Center centralizes the operations of the company, its equipment and stores, maintains, propagate the data that runs through the company. Data Centers may have a physical or virtual infrastructure and data which are stored in them provides the base for the successiveness of an organization since they are much valuable when making decisions in the business processes. In simple terms, the past, present and the future of an organization relies on the outcome of the analyzed data. Due to these reasons, it is one of the top priorities of a company to ensure the security and reliability of data centers and their information. With the advancement of the technology, securing the data centers to its best level has become a complicated task, due to the various possible attacks. Making an attack on a data center becomes easier when there are loopholes in the security mechanisms that are used in data centers. In this paper the authors describe about the existing security mechanisms which are specific to the physical data centers. Furthermore, this paper has discussed the possible solutions that can be used to ensure the security of data centers as a perspective to the current Information Technology (IT) industry.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

V.S.P Vidanapathirana, M.S.T.J Nanayakkara, A.M.S.D Attanayake, V.Abenayan, Pubudu Dhanushka, Dhishan Dhammearatchi (2018); Possible Solutions for the Drawbacks of Data Center Security Mechanisms; Int J Sci Res Publ 6(4) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0416.php?rp=P525226
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